The Role Of The Parent’s Association
Provision is made in the Education Act 1998 to allow parents of students of a school to set up a Parents Association. The Act states that:
The parents of students of a recognised school may establish and maintain from among their number, a parents’ association for the school and membership of that association shall be open to all parents of students of that school.
The parents association in a school works with the principal, staff and board of management to build effective co-operation and partnership between home and school. The role of the parent’s association is set down in the Education Act 1998 as follows:
A parents association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the board, principal, teachers and students.

The Education Act also sets out two broad tasks for a parents association which are:
- To advise the Principal or the Board on matters relating to the school
- To adopt a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school, in consultation with the principal.
To operate effectively as a Parents Association you need to have mechanisms in place whereby you can establish the views of the parents and pupils on matters relating to the school. In this way you can select activities that will promote parental and student involvement
Chairperson: Patricia Finn
Secretary: Geraldine Murray
Treasurer: Jackie Hickey
The school enjoys a close working relationship with parents. Ongoing parent-teacher contact is maintained through the School Journal system and parent-teacher meetings.
Written progress reports are send home at the end of each term.
Prior to the Junior Certificate examinations, there is an Information Evening for parents and students from Third Year to discuss Senior Cycle options.
A number of Information Evenings for parents of Leaving Certificate students are arranged to present the necessary information regarding Third Level options, Study Skills, completing CAO and UCAS forms and various means of financial support.
A phone call to the Year Head can arrange a meeting at a convenient time.
In Oaklands Community College. we have an active Parents’ Association which meets regularly throughout the school year. The association provides that crucial link between parents and the school, gives members the opportunity to keep abreast of school activities and developments and has a strong social element.
Early in each academic year, the Parents’ Association holds their A.G.M., to which all parents are invited. A committee is elected each year to represent the general body of parents and is open to all parents/guardians of all students attending the school.
The Parents’ Association is the forum for consultation on the development of new policies and engages in fundraising activities that contribute to student facilities in the school. This year to date, we have contributed to many student trips. We have also purchased a 12ftx12ft gazebo for the enjoyment of the students as an area where they can relax and unwind.
On occasion, the Principal, Gerry Connolly, Deputy Principal’s, Mairead O’Shea and Richard Murphy and Home-School Liaison officer Ciaran Pettit attend the meetings. A report on Board of Management is circulated at the meetings.
We strongly encourage parents to get actively involved in the life of the school and the Parents’ Association gives a great opportunity to do so.