Welcome to our Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Section of our website

In my role as HSCL in Oaklands, I work to build a vital link between the school, the home and community family support services. Along with school management, we strive to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children.
The focus of the HSCL scheme is preventative, ensuring that supports are in place that will impact positively on parents and children, to improve educational outcomes. This scheme encourages a whole-school approach to improving student’s attendance, participation, and retention in education.
The HSCL scheme is solution-focused, building on existing strengths of parents and guardians through empowerment. Home visits are a crucial part of the role as we establish trust, assess needs, and monitor the effect of plans and interventions put in place to bring about improved outcomes for children.
My role includes:
- Home Visits:
Visiting parents at home to offer information, advice and support with their child’s education. - Supports:
I am here to offer a friendly ear and support if it is needed. Maybe students are not attending as often as they should be, are having trouble in their friendship groups or find it difficult to get organised for school. - Courses:
Organising free courses and activities for parents. For example, coffee mornings to meet with other parents and staff, parent talks on many relevant topics, walking groups, cookery and art classes etc.
In the school, we have a HSCL room where tea and coffee are always available. This provides a relaxed, warm and welcoming place for parents to meet me and perhaps other members of the school community. A place where we can provide you, the primary educator of your child with a valuable source of friendship, support, encouragement, and reassurance.
As the HSCL I, along with all the staff of Oaklands Community College strive to make our school a welcoming and safe place for both students and parents.
I look forward to meeting you.