Junior Certificate Mathematics aims to develop the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding needed for continuing education, for life and for work, develop the skills of dealing with mathematical concepts in context and applications, as well as in solving problems, support the development of literacy and numeracy skills and foster a positive attitude to mathematics in the learner.

English in junior cycle aims to develop students’ knowledge of language and literature, to consolidate and deepen their literacy skills and make them more self-aware as learners. More specifically it encourages all students to be creative through language and to gain enjoyment and continuing personal growth from English in all its forms, to develop control over English using it and responding to it with purpose and effect through the interconnected literacy skills of oral language, reading and writing, to engage personally with and think critically about an increasingly broad range of spoken, written and multimodal texts and to develop an informed appreciation of literature through personal encounters with a variety of literary texts.

The new Junior Cycle Irish course will commence for in-coming first years from September 2017. This new course will place an emphasis on traditional Irish literature. Students will study poetry, songs, dramas, short films and short stories from a recommended list of texts and this will be incorporated into the new Irish Junior Cycle. Emphasis will still be placed on building students’ fluency levels via the key language learning skills. As Gaeilge is a core subject, students will study this subject until their Leaving Certificate. Having a good command of the Irish language can open up many career opportunities, particularly in the fields of teaching, linguistics and public sector employment both in Ireland and abroad.

The Art, Craft, Design syllabus provides opportunity for students to make fine art, craft and graphic design artefacts and to experience and learn to appreciate visual culture. The Junior Certificate Art, Craft, Design syllabus offers students of all abilities and aptitudes an opportunity to develop artistic skills along with reflection, analysis and evaluation abilities.

History involves the study of people who lived in the past – ordinary people as well as famous people. In History, you will learn about the sources of evidence on which we base our understanding of their lives. You will find out about important changes that,over time,have helped to shape the world in which you live.

We come across Science in everyday things in the world around us, both living and non-living. Studying Science in school can help you to understand the importance of science in our lives and in the environment. By the end of Junior Cycle, you will be able to appreciate how scientists work and how scientific ideas are modified over time.

The Home Economics syllabus provides students with knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for managing their own lives, for further and higher education and work. The learning experiences in home economics develop flexibility and adaptability in students, prepare them for a consumer-oriented society and provide a learning foundation for a wide range of careers in food, textiles, science, design, social studies and tourism.

Materials Technology Wood (MTW) is one of the technology subjects offered at junior cycle. In MTW you will learn to design small projects and the skills required to use tools and equipment to make your designs.You will work mainly with wood but also with other materials. You will learn about wood as a material and how it is produced.

Technical Graphics is one of the technology subjects offered at junior cycle. In Technical Graphics you will learn how to represent 3-D objects on paper and on computer. You will develop problem solving and creative thinking skills through the solution of graphical problems.

Business studies encourages students to develop an appreciation of how their lives are shaped by economic and social factors. They are enabled to make informed decisions, to better manage their personal financial resources and to be adaptable, creative, and enterprising. Business studies also improves their knowledge and understanding of good business practice and of business as a productive activity.

Junior Certificate Metalwork provides students in the junior cycle of post-primary education with an introduction to materials and process engineering and an insight into associated technology. It is founded in the practical activity that seeks to link observation and action with ingenuity and creativity in a problem-solving context. The course has two main sections: (i) Technique and Design, which incorporates all of the practical work, and (ii) Materials and Technology, which is the related technical and technological principles and theory.

At Junior Cycle, the French Department strives to build on students English and Irish language learning at Primary School Level by further developing their language skills and enjoyment. Our aim is to to contribute to students’ awareness of language as a system of communication, to contribute to the development in students of the capacity to engage in fruitful transactions and interactions with others and thus become more proficient in communicating in the target language and to give students the possibility of access to sources of information, culture enrichment and entertainment through the target language.

In Geography you will study about places,people and what shapes the environment.You will learn how the environment influences people,and how they change the environment. You will develop your ability to draw and understand maps,graphs and diagrams,as well as studying photographs and collecting information outside the classroom through fieldwork.

This syllabus provides students with a framework for understanding the variety of religious traditions in Ireland and elsewhere. It offers opportunities to develop an informed and critical understanding of the Christian tradition and seeks to develop in students the skills needed to engage in meaningful dialogue with those of other, or of no, religious traditions

This 100 hour short course builds on the Junior Cycle Physical Education Framework which physical education teachers currently use to plan their physical education programme in junior cycle. There are four strands, each one focusing on learning in different physical activity areas: Physical activity for health and wellbeing. Games, Individual and team challenges, Dance and Gymnastics.

The 100 hour SPHE short course builds on the Junior Cycle Social, Personal and Health Education Framework. By choosing to include this short course in the school’s Wellbeing programme students have a dedicated space and time to learn about themselves, caring for themselves and others and making informed decisions for their health and wellbeing.

This 100 hour short course builds upon the former Junior Certificate CSPE subject. It is built around three strands, rights and responsibilities, global citizenship and exploring democracy. There is a strong focus on student action aimed at giving students an experience of active citizenship.
